1Nebula Blog

Leadership Essentials: Decision-Making and Conflict Management

Written by Daniel Nel | Jun 5, 2024 11:46:41 AM


It is Better to Make a Decision, Than to Make No Decision

Successful leaders have one clear thing in common, they make decisions. While speed was also a factor, the most common factor was the fact that they made a decision rather than wasted time on being indecisive.

However, the most common trait among top leaders is that they do not shy away from conflict. Instead, they learn how to manage it.

Willing to Engage in Conflict

As you create something new, innovative, and incredible, you will face opposition. People who disagree with your path and views. A key trait in many of the world's top leaders is that they were willing to engage in conflict.

They saw that conflict was part of the journey and let their vision drive them through the conflicts.

Conflict arises from 3 different sources:

  1. Economic Value – when people’s livelihoods are affected.
  2. Value of Conflict – when people’s beliefs or ideologies are threatened.
  3. Power of Conflict – when someone’s power is under threat.

Understand which of these causes the conflict to arise and you will be able to negotiate.

What Happens to Your When You Are in a Conflict?

How do you cope with conflict? Do you soldier through, shutdown, get emotional, or get into a boxing match?

A lot of how you react to conflict relates to your upbringing. While you cannot go back and change the past, you can get to know yourself to learn your triggers. This will allow you to remain calm, assess the situation, and to negotiate.

Understand The Root Cause

Conflict always has a root cause, and sometimes that root cause is not obvious. Someone’s upbringing or past experience could lead them to react in a way that leads into conflict. Taking the time to listen and understand the other party’s point of view can help you to identify their root cause. Knowing the root cause can help you to negotiate with them and move past the conflict.