As a leader, we are always striving to be better, but have you considered being smarter? By smarter, I do not mean intelligence, but rather being more agile and resourceful in the way you work and lead. Similar to working smarter not harder.
How do you become a smarter leader? Where do you begin? And why should you consider it?
Often, the best is not the smartest. The best car in the world is not affordable to most people, thus we choose the best car in our price range, i.e. the smarter choice.
Smarter is getting the best results with the least resources and in a way that suits the underlying team or company. Working smarter is more agile, flexible, and allows for more input from everyone involved.
People are set in their ways, and changing to a more flexible approach can take some convincing. Perceived effort is a great way to inspire people in your team into a new way of working.
You need to start by creating a culture fully focused on being smarter! Make it part of who you are as a company and how you operate.
Building a new company culture starts with you as a leader. You need to live and embrace the culture as part of who you are.
Some key parts of building a new culture:
Becoming a smart leader and building a smart company takes time and effort. Start with your culture and the rest will follow.