Staying Ahead: The Leadership Skill You Can’t Afford to Lose


Don’t Take Your Eye Off the Ball

Keeping your eye on the ball is crucial as a leader, as taking your eye off the ball, even for a short period of time can lead to catastrophe. Successful leaders rarely take their eyes off the ball, and they do this by staying ahead and taking time to reconnect.

Success comes down to grit, starting strong, staying longer, and being consistent.

You Have to Stay ahead Of the Game

As a business owner, you need to consistently stay ahead of the game. You need to be learning, growing, and innovating on a consistent basis to keep growing. If you don’t, you will quickly fall behind!

To get ahead of the game, you need to stay ahead of the game. If you fall behind, it will take even longer to get ahead. Stay ahead of the game, so you can stay ahead of the game.

Leaders Get Tired & Sidetracked

As leaders, we are always on. We are learning, building, and growing every day. But we are human, we get tired, we get sidetracked; but one wrong hire can derail years of effort. You need to get back on track and reconnect fast! Here are a few steps:

  1. Get your passion & energy back – reignite the fire. Get back to your life plan and look at your purpose. Why did you start your business? What did you want to solve? This will ignite your fire.
  2. Realignment in your mind. We always expect the worst to happen, we always expect the best to happen, but nothing in between. To get back on track, you need to realign your mind with what is happening, away from unrealistic optimism and scathing pessimism.
  3. Find the bottom. Think that you’re in a submarine, you don’t know where you are in the ocean or how close you are to the bottom. Start by finding the bottom, because then you can plan your way back up.
  4. Communicate. Share where you are with your team. Being open and vulnerable can help with buy in, support, and trust. On top of this, ask for help when you need it, you do not need to do this alone.

Its How You Climb the Ladder That Matters

Many leaders like to think thirty steps ahead, when in reality you need to understand where you are at and where you are heading first. Are you close to the bottom, at the bottom, or close to the top. Knowing this will help you to adjust your heading, so you can reach the surface.

Going back to the basics, understanding where you are, then you can look at where you are heading.

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