Success Starts with Your Words: How Positive Language Shapes Your Reality


Success Starts with Your Words

Most people would believe that hard work alone will lead to success, but reality shows us that your words are more impactful than we assume

Setting positive goals and speaking as if they will come true trains your mind to make them come true.

Think about the visionary leaders you look up to, how many of them have come out with goals or plans that seem outlandish or impossible, yet when they speak about it, they speak as if it is a certainty.

Speaking success into your business is a key part of being successful!

Think Success

As with most things, speaking success starts within. You need to believe in your purpose and goals. Spending time meditating, exercising, and learning can help you to develop your mind leading to better goals that align with your core principles and beliefs.

A simple way to start doing this is to set your specific goals, with clear timelines, and instead of writing them down as “I want to achieve X”, write them as “I will achieve X”.

What happens if you hit a bump in the road? Things cannot always be rosey, and sometimes things don’t go according to plan. But by staying positive and focused on your goal, you can change the perspective from “we need to layoff staff” to “we need to cut costs to maintain cashflow so we can reach our goal”.

How Goals Program Your Mind

Having clear goals and speaking as if they will come true programs yours and your teams minds to believe that the goal will come true and that it is possible. This will improve morale and productivity, making it easier for you to reach your goals.

How to Reduce Noise & Distractions

Reducing noise and distractions is crucial to keeping everyone positive and productive. Noise & distractions can be broken down into three categories:

  • Operational Friction – make your working environment as frictionless as possible, meaning easy to complete a task without lots of hoops or red tape. The less friction it takes to complete a task the easier it is for a team to consistently provide results without distraction or procrastination.
  • Mental Distractions – Mental distractions come from a mind that is not in a good space. Make time for exercise, meditation, and learning to keep your mind sharp and distraction free.
  • External Noise – Pressure and distractions from the outside world can really hinder your productivity. This could be from family, board of directors, investors, or government. To ensure this noise does not distract you, set firm boundaries and have a good work routine.

While noise and distractions can slow you down, they are all manageable with some easy steps. Take the time to identify the noises and distractions for yourself and your team, and find ways to eliminate them!

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