1Nebula Blog

The Influence of Purpose: Creating a Lasting Impact as a Leader

Written by Daniel Nel | Jul 26, 2024 1:40:33 PM

What is my impact?

We have looked at legacy, at leadership growth, and planting acorn seeds, but all of this boils down to one thing: impact.

Impact can be described as “The mark you leave on the world”, “a marked effect or influence”, or “have a strong effect on someone or something”.

Your impact can change the world around you. We all have an impact, so it’s important to ensure your impact is the one that you want.

Purpose to impact

Before you can have an impact, you need to understand your purpose. You purpose drives your impact on the world.

Envision the impact you have on the world as a result of living your purpose. Live your purpose and make an impact on the world around you.

Lessons from the Military

Successful military leaders can have a great impact on the world through the regiments they lead. They are well spoken, goal orientated, disciplined, and analytical. This is what makes them successful both in and outside of the military.

One thing we can learn from the military is how to blend great communication, great influence, and great impact. Blending these three cornerstones allows a leader to reach new heights by getting their message across, to the right people, and making a good impact.

Another aspect we can take from these leaders is the clear and concise communication. Strong leaders share their ideas and plans in an organized way that makes it easy for their teams to execute. In the military, there is no room for ambiguity or misunderstanding, so leaders are trained to be clear in their communication.

How do you make people feel?

What effect do you have on others, versus what effect do you want to have on others? This is a difficult but important question to ask yourself in your journey as a leader. We know how we want to be treated, but how does your team want to be treated. Identifying and understanding this will allow you to connect with your people, helping to make them feel a part of something, increasing staff buy in.

A leader who makes others feel confident and seen, raises a team who want to be better and create that feeling in others. There are few more powerful catalysts.