Unlocking Leadership Potential: Aligning Ambitions with Your Higher Purpose


What is Your Higher Purpose?

As leaders, we strive to achieve big goals. Expand the business overseas, grow our team, reach revenue targets, and similar, but have we ever looked at if those goals align with our higher purpose?

Living out your higher purpose is critical for all leaders, but it is easy to fall off the path when life throws curve balls at you.

We Must Strive to Something Bigger Than Ourselves

Going through life chasing money, fame, fortune, or even success will leave you unsatisfied. You, personally and as a company, need to have a bigger purpose!

A higher purpose is the difference you want to make in the world and the legacy you want to leave behind. It is not simply the money you want to make but rather how you helped grow your local community, inspire young leaders, or strive to end human trafficking.

A higher purpose is what will fuel you when the world is throwing endless curve balls. It is your northern star than keeps you true.

Make your purpose known and make it clear.

You Don’t Start as The Best

You will never start at the top! In fact, many of us start near the bottom without access to top universities. Rather than letting this hold you back, let it fuel your higher purpose. Use your success in the future to help young people who were in the same or worse position than you were when you started.

True grit builds character and helps to make your purpose stronger.

Go Back to Your Purpose

As a leader with a clear purpose, it is important that you revisit and reassociate with your purpose every so often. Go back and remember what your higher purpose is, so that you can stay on course no matter what is thrown your way.

Review your actions around your purpose. What have you done to live out your higher purpose? Has what you have been saying aligned with your higher purpose?

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