Unlocking Real Leadership: Finding Purpose Beyond Business Success


Have You Discovered Your Real Work as a Leader?

Real work is doing the work you were called to do. This could be serving, building, leading, inspiring, or an array of other things. Real work is the heart of why we do what we do and leads our actions. It forms part of our belief systems.

Is Growing Your Business the Real Work?

As ambitious leaders, we are often driven by the success of our business. We aim to open up new branches, hit new heights of revenue, and to achieve things we never thought possible.

However, this all becomes meaningless in the larger field of live. Success without real impact is meaningless, and you can only have impact with real work.

Start With What You Believe

Gandhi once said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”

The first step to becoming a good person, before even becoming a leader, is to know what you believe. Because as Gandhi said your beliefs become your actions. Your actions speak the loudest, and your actions start with your beliefs.

Kind people and good leaders are not made, instead they are formed along their path. While you may not be where you want to be yet, small steps every day with form you into a good person and a good leader.

Do You Serve People?

Serving people is at the heart of a true leader. We have often spoken about servant leaders; they succeed because the put people first.

They grow people and in turn the people grow their business. Through training, mentoring, and inspiring people, they raise the next generation of leaders.

If you are wondering if you are doing real work, start with asking yourself if you are serving people or yourself.

Certainty of Intent

The last point you need to consider when looking at real work is your certainty of intent. Are you here for the greater good or to take as much as you can.

It’s a hard question, but its important to dig deep as taking can quickly creep up on you without you even realizing.

Start with yourself and those around you will follow. If you focus on doing more real work and becoming a better person, so to will those around you!

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