Creating Private Offers

How to create private offers?

Step 1: Navigate to Marketplace Offers

Step 2: On the left you will see two tabs, select Private Offers

Step 3: Select +New Private Offer

Step 4: Name the private offer and select the second one Customize pricing, metering quantities, and user limits for SaaS offers – select Create private offer with SaaS.

Step 5: Enter customer billing account ID.

Step 6: Enter your description – it is for internal purposes as it won’t appear on the private offer.

Step 7: Select the Customer Terms Start date, provide the End date and the Accept by date. The Start and End date determines how long the private offer price will apply to customer purchases during that time. This is different from the offer subscription start and end date. The Accept by date means until the customer can accept your private offer. It’s important to know that your offer will expire after this date and your customer will not be able to accept it.

Step 8: Upload your Terms & Conditions for this private offer and you can specify and include for how long this will be valid for and any other important information you want to make clear.

Step 9: Add the notification contact who will be notified on changes to the private offer status.

Step 10: Enter your email address in the Prepared by field.

Step 11: Select Add offers/plans under Pricing. Select the pricing type and then you should be able to see your public facing plans which you can select and add to use as a template. You should be able to see that under Pricing and then select Configure price and edit it as per your request and save.

Note : Only public offers/plans that are transactable in Microsoft Azure Marketplace appear in the selection menu.

Step 12: Navigate to Review and submit, to submit your private offer.

Note : Microsoft will not send an email to your customer. You can copy the private offer link and share it with your customer for acceptance. Your customer will also be able to see the private offer under the Private Offer Management blade in the Azure portal.