Why do you need to pay a monthly license fee for Stactize?

Why do you need to pay a monthly license fee for Stactize?

The Benefits to the end customer that Stactize provides from the monthly License fee are as follows: 

  • Undisturbed access to our Stactize portal where you will be able to monitor the subscriptions that have been purchased by your clients. 
  • Access to an Audit trail of each subscription to understand timelines and the lifecycle of each customer sign-up. 
  • Access to support from the Stactize team for any Marketplace sign-ups, as well as navigating the Co-Sell ecosystem once transactable. 
  • Enjoy zero service interruption for your transactable listing on the marketplace due to changes in the Marketplace infrastructure, as the Stactize team is constantly researching and updating the product to ensure that your solution remains transactable on the marketplace regardless of changes to the marketplace itself. 
  • Access to the Stactize Customer Success team, to answer any questions you might have on Marketplace, and guide you through any areas of confusion around your Marketplace listing and MS partnerships throughout your subscription period to Stactize.