

The technology environment of the retail industry is extremely complex. Having full visibility of the usage and allocation of the correct costs to the correct internal operating units can be challenging. 


OneView® enables better management of telecoms usage, increased visibility into the technology environment and cloud optimisation. This control prevents unnecessary costs and ultimately optimises overall business performance.

The Benefits of OneView®

Cost Saving

Significant mobile-related cost reductions due to increased visibility and control.

Live Mobile Usage

Automated Alerts and Usage Notifications creates companywide usage awareness to curb overspend and avoid bill shock.

Access to 1Nebula Expertise

Gain in-depth knowledge of technology and market trends, coupled with an advanced understanding of service providers.

Automated purchasing of infrastructure

Retailers can order mass quantities of equipment directly through the OneView® solution, thus drastically reducing the time needed to acquire IT infrastructure for new stores.

OneView® supports a multi-vendor environment

OneView® collects and verifies data directly from multiple service providers.

Speed of Analysis and Guaranteed ROI

We can provide you with an assessment of your entire telecoms environment within 40 hours. We also guarantee speed of results and the realisation of the return on investment.

OneView® Features

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Service Request Integration

OneView® integrates with Service Request Systems such as Infra and Service Now to enable the ordering and changing of infrastructure directly from the OneView® portal.

Advanced Analytics and Reporting

Now you can do detailed telecoms and cloud spend analysis and forecasting with live usage tracking, analytics, dashboards and reporting.

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Financial Management and Automation

OneView® enables detailed spend analysis, budget tracking and forecasting. It also offers automation of internal cost allocation and verification of your billing rates charged by service providers.

Recharge and Forecasting Future Cost

OneView® offers automation of internal cost allocation, ensuring that no cost centres are overspending. It also supports seamless integration with the SAP recharge system.

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