

The distributed footprint of a typical financial institution leads to an extremely complex telecoms environment with associated difficulties of tracking and managing telecoms expenditure and accurately allocating these costs to the correct internal operating units.


OneView® enables better management of employees’ telecoms usage, prevents unnecessary costs and ultimately optimises overall business performance.

The Benefits of OneView®

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Reduced Costs

Implementation of BYOD means the company can save costs on hardware. OneView® makes BYOD more viable due to effective tracking and monitoring of network usage for personal and business purposes.


Operational Efficiency

Streamlining and automation of previously manual processes makes mobile cost management more comprehensive and less time-consuming.

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Simplified Tracking of IMACDs

Integration with Service Request Systems enables mobile infrastructure changes such as SIM swaps and bundle administration across the service provider spectrum to be conducted through one centralised portal.

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Access to service provider performance data

Improved vendor management including SLA monitoring, service delivery and billing verification.

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Centralised automated data collection and reporting

Improved visibility of all telecoms costs along with improved reporting and accountability within the telecoms ecosystem.


Access to 1Nebula Expertise

Gain in-depth knowledge of technology and market trends, coupled with an advanced understanding of service providers.

OneView® Features

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Automated Recharge Process

OneView® enables employees to easily allocate calls and data according to personal or business use through a digital portal.This provides the business with a digitalised and efficient reimbursement process.

Service Request Integration

Integration with Service Request Systems such as Infra enables ordering and changing of infrastructure, such as new branch openings and upgrades. All requests can be logged and tracked through a single, digital portal.

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Continuous Optimisation

OneView® provides real-time tracking and management of the entire telecoms ecosystem usage, spend and performance. Singling out of services and devices that are no longer in use or being overcharged means wastage can be removed to save costs and optimise operations.

Management of BYOD and COPE Policies

OneView® automates the WAN, Fixed Voice and Mobile internal recharge process, reporting on costs per employee, cost centre and division. OneView® also provides recharge report exports in the format required by the customer's ERP system, such as SAP.

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